Coming from a very hot city {located in the northwest coast of Venezuela} I am used to very high temperatures, and Switzerland is not really what I would call... hot... ummmm... no, it isn't... however, we will always have summer up here!... {thank god}
During summertime we spend our weekends swimming; having pick-nicks; hiking; hosting barbecue parties... the list goes on and on... and the treat that is always present in all of these fun activities is... ICE CREAM!
Ice cream really brings back so many memories of my childhood. Every Sunday we would gather at my grandmother's home, and in the middle of the afternoon, there was a man with an ice cream trolley that would pass by the house, and we were entitled to have as much ice cream as we wanted!... that was heaven!... Then, as a teenager, I remember well that the best part of the weekend was joining my group of friends to go to the ice cream parlour of the moment, you know, the typical "place to be" back then... and again, we had to have some ICE CREAM!
Ice cream is like the ultimate treat for anybody, and that's what this post is all about... beautiful, sweet, summer-ish, and crispy ice cream....
...did I say... crispy????
Yep... Crispy ice cream cookies...Oh my... isn't that cute??
...milk, the best companion for a cookie, wouldn't you agree?? cream cookies with ice cream.... this combination should be illegal!!
Summer treats anyone??
Have a sweet and summery week!!

Mmmmm q ricoooo! ese place to be me suena a ole ole! Y la heladería de la infancia.... El Sol aunque tutti frutti frente a la japo a mi me encantaba.... Q riquísimas y preciosas esas galleticas... Regalanos una buena receta de galleticas ;) a ver si recordaomos nuestra infancia creando cosas lindas just like U! Love uuuuuu! Angelica ( tía galleta)
Tía Galleta!!, claro que estaba hablando de Olé, Olé!!... recuerdas lo ricos que eran los helados y lo "trendy" que era ir para allá los domingos??... pero para mi El Sol siempre será el mejor, ni la mejor heladería del mundo lo podría superar!!... {la receta es una deuda que te tengo que pagar... pronto.. ;)}
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