Aren't first times always full of doubts, stress, and excitement?? ...all at the same time??
When I knew that we would be modelling roses with marzipan at Le Cordon Bleu, I exploded with excitement, mostly because modelling was not one of my strengths, so for me it meant that finally I was going to learn how to do it... and do it well!!
So, right after our demonstration, in which we learnt how to make a Dacquoise and decorate it with a marzipan rose, we rushed to the kitchen {as usually}, and started our preparation routine for the practical. That day we had Chef Tranchant to guide us in the kitchen, he was a very tough Chef with a very "French" humor... {meaning, sometimes I didn't quite get his jokes... désole Chef...}
As we were hesitantly experiencing with the marzipan, remembering how did the Chef make it in the demonstration, and even recalling how a rose should look like; Chef Tranchant would walk around the very long kitchen table repeating once and again: "remember... I want to see roses... not cabbages"... "let me see... hmmmm... that's a cabbage... START ALL OVER AGAIN!!" ....
I remember well how quiet the kitchen was once we got the hang of this modelling thing. Nobody would say a word, we were so concentrated on our work ...I personally felt in the zone... and in the end, all the hard work was so worth it... we finally got roses... not cabbages!!
Chef Tranchant, me & my rose...
} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -{
So, I wanted to include a flower in this week's project. However, I decided not to work with marzipan {like I have done before}, but with sugarpaste...and this was the result... I hope you like it as much as I do!
Piping details...
...have a sweet week!!

Congratulation!!!!!!!!!!! It's very nice!!!! You are the best on the world! Go a head! =)
Hi Sil, thanx for your sweet words!!... ♥
QUE BES-TIA!!! demasiado bestial!! felicitaciones trona! esta bellisima esta torta! me encanta! :D :D :D me enamore!!!
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