Sunday, June 12, 2011

About angels & cookie monsters...

So this week's project involves angels and cookies... it couldn't go wrong, right? 

When I started learning the art of cookie decoration, I always had the tendency to use lots of color and lots of detail in the design of the cookies.  However, these days, I have found the beauty of simplicity... Sometimes you don't need much going on to get a beautiful result... and that's exactly what happened with these sweeties... wouldn't you agree???

Before showing you the final result, I kind of wanted you to see a step by step sequence of my way of decorating them... enjoy!

First, I piped the outline of the angel...

Then, I filled the center of each angel...

...let them dry...

When they were completely dry, I piped the outline again, and worked on the details.
Sometimes, I like the second ouline to be very fine; and other times, like this one, I feel like a thicker line gives a fluffier appearance to the design...

There's my angel...

"Me want cookie... me eat cookie... Om nom nom nom..."

It shouldn't be a surprise that my boys {who have grown up with the smell of freshly baked cookies, and just-out-of-the-oven cakes}, have developed a very, VERY sweet tooth.  They literally have an affair with sweets, and every now and then we like to joke saying that they are real Cookie Monsters... you know... the "me want cookie... me eat cookie..." from Sesame Street.  We even have created a timetable at home to establish the hours in which they are allowed to taste some of mommy's creations... and they look forward every single day for that glorious time to come! 

Yesterday, they could finally try this week's project, and they were over the moon to be even involved in the "photo shoot".  Normally, they see me preparing the "set" nearby the kitchen {where I have tons of light since there's a huge window}, and they would always ask: "mom, are you taking pictures of a cake?"  "can we help you?", and the answer would invariably be: "...of course, you can help me after I take the pictures, by telling me if the cake tastes good, ok?"... But yesterday, it was a different story, they actually helped me through the "photo shoot", and we all had so much fun!... I will be definitelly requiring their help more often!

Marco &, when can we eat the cookies?... Mom & Dad: in a few seconds... Marco & Manuel: like... now?... Mom & Dad: no, not exactly now... give us a moment... Marco & Manuel: what are we waiting for?... Dad: until I take a few test pictures... Manuel: Can we take just one?...  Marco: can we?... just one... can we?... Mom & Dad: ok... ok... go ahead!"

I think they approved the product...

...they were dying to do this...

Cutest Cookie Monsters ever, don't you think??? ...Have a sweet week!!!